
All times listed below are Eastern Daylight Time.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

9:00am to 9:10am
Welcome and Introduction

Joanne Borg-Stein, MD


Moderators: Augustus Mazzocca, MD and David Robinson, MD

9:10am to 9:30am
Mark Price Memorial Lecture: Approach to the Thrower's Shoulder

Evan O'Donnell, MD

9:30am to 9:50am
Shoulder Labral Tears: When to Operate

Elizabeth Matzkin, MD

9:50am to 10:10am
MRI of the Thrower's Shoulder

William Palmer, MD

10:10am to 10:30am
Throwing Athlete: Rehab Pearls

Reg Wilcox, III, DPT

10:30am to 10:50am
Audience Q & A, Expert Panel Discussion

Shoulder Session Faculty

10:50am to 11:05am
11:05am to 11:25am
Partial Rotator Cuff Tears: Non-Operative Treatment

Nitin Jain, MBBS, MSPH

11:25am to 11:45am
Partial Cuff Tears: Surgical Selection and Planning

George Dyer, MD

11:45am to 12:05pm
Shoulder Injury Prevention and RTP: Youth to Adult

Jamie Prezler, DPT, PT

12:05pm to 12:25pm
Audience Q & A, Expert Panel Discussion

Shoulder Session Faculty

12:25pm to 1:30pm

Elbow / Wrist / Hand

Moderator: Haylee Borgstrom, MD and Steven Makovitch, DO

1:30pm to 1:50pm
Elbow Injuries in Youth Throwing Athletes

Giovanna Medina, MD, MSc, PhD

1:50pm to 2:10pm
UCL: Prevention and Nonoperative Treatment

Jason Zaremski, MD

2:10pm to 2:30pm
Imaging of the UCL / Medial Elbow

Joseph Simeone, MD

2:30pm to 2:50pm
MLB Approach to Rehab and RTP for the UCL

Brad Pearson, ATC

2:50pm to 3:10pm
Audience Q & A, Expert Panel Discussion

Elbow / Wrist / Hand Session Faculty

3:10pm to 3:30pm
Ulnar Wrist Pain in Athletes

Brandon Earp, MD

3:30pm to 3:50pm
Examination of the Wrist and Hand: Clinical Pearls

Philip Blazar, MD

3:50pm to 4:10pm
Imaging of the Ulnar Wrist

Connie Chang, MD

4:10pm to 4:30pm
Audience Q & A, Expert Panel Discussion
Elbow / Wrist / Hand Session Faculty
4:30pm to 4:45pm

Head / Neck / Trunk

Moderator: Deirdre Rodericks, MD

4:45pm to 5:05pm
Cervical Disc Herniation in the Athlete

Jessica Aidlen, MD

5:05pm to 5:25pm
Concussion: Update 2025

Priyanca Shah, DO, MBA

5:25pm to 5:45pm
Concussion: Rehab and Readiness to RTP

Lenore Herget, DPT

5:45pm to 6:05pm
Audience Q & A, Expert Panel Discussion

Head / Neck / Trunk Session Faculty

Thursday, March 27, 2025

Foot / Ankle

Moderator: George Theodore, MD

9:00am to 9:20am
Forefoot Injuries

Daniel Guss, MD

9:20am to 9:40am
Os Injuries (Navicularis, Trigonum) and Posterior Impingement

Jeremy Smith, MD

9:40am to 10:00am
High-Risk Bone Stress Injuries

Kelly McInnis, DO

10:00am to 10:20am
Curse of the Plantar Fascia

David Nolan, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, SCS, CSCS

10:20am to 10:40am
Imaging of the Foot

Ronald Mercer, MD

10:40am to 11:00am
Audience Q&A, Expert Panel Discussion

Foot / Ankle Session Faculty

11:00am to 11:15am

Knee / Thigh

Moderators: Christine Eng, MD and George Ross Malik, MD

11:15am to 11:35am
Update on PCL and PLC Injuries

Eric Berkson, MD

11:35am to 11:55am
Medial Knee Injury in Elite Athletes

Robert Nascimento, MD

11:55am to 12:15pm
Knee Injuries: Rehab and Readiness to RTP in NFL

James Whalen, MSEd, ATC

12:15pm to 12:35pm
Audience Q&A, Expert Panel Discussion
Knee / Thigh Session Faculty
12:35pm to 1:35pm
1:35pm to 1:55pm
Quad and Calf Injuries in Soccer Athletes

Ashwin N. Babu, MD

1:55pm to 2:15pm
Para-Soccer: Elite Experience and Special Considerations

Daniel Blatz, MD

2:15pm to 2:35pm
Imaging Considerations of Knee, Thigh, and Leg

Jad Husseini, MD

2:35pm to 2:55pm
Audience Q&A, Expert Panel Discussion

Knee / Thigh Session Faculty

Hip / Pelvis

Moderators: Dana Kotler, MD

2:55pm to 3:15pm
Update on Hip FAI

Thomas Wuerz, MD

3:15pm to 3:35pm
Extra-articular Impingement

James Wyss, MD

3:35pm to 3:55pm
Pearls for Sacroiliac Joint Evaluation and Management

Dayna Yorks, DO

3:55pm to 4:15pm
MRI: Impingement and Sequelae

Rene Balza Romero, MD

4:15pm to 4:35pm
Audience Q&A, Expert Panel Discussion

Hip / Pelvis Session Faculty

4:35pm to 4:50pm

Youth Athlete Injuries

Moderator: Abiye Ibiebele, MD

4:50pm to 5:10pm
Patellofemoral Instability in Youth Athletes

Nikolaos Paschos, MD

5:10pm to 5:30pm
Lower-Extremity Apophyseal Injuries

Stephanie DeLuca, MD

5:30pm to 5:50pm
Rehab and Return to Play: Special Considerations for the Youth Athlete with Growth Plate Injuries

Sydney Rogers, PT, DPT, OCS

5:50pm to 6:10pm
Audience Q&A, Expert Panel Discussion

Youth Athlete Session Faculty

Friday, March 28, 2025

Sport- and Population-Specific Considerations

Moderator: Sarah Eby MD, PhD

9:00am to 9:20am
Wilderness Medicine

Brandee Waite, MD

9:20am to 9:40am
CrossFit / Functional Fitness

Amy West, MD

9:40am to 10:00am
Running Medicine

Adam Tenforde, MD

10:00am to 10:20am
Mixed Martial Arts

Christopher Visco, MD

10:20am to 10:40am

Christina Kim, MD

10:40am to 11:00am
Audience Q & A, Expert Panel Discussion

Sport and Population-Specific Session Faculty

11:00am to 11:15am

Managing the Collegiate Athlete

Moderator: Gianmichel Corrado, MD

11:15am to 11:35am
Training Room Medicine

David J. Cormier, DO

11:35am to 11:55am
Cardiac Screening

Jonathan Drezner, MD

11:55am to 12:15pm
Mental Health in Collegiate Athletes

Kendra Becker, PhD

12:15pm to 12:35pm
Athletic Trainer: Importance of Culture and Team Physician Relationship

Michael Belanger, ATC

12:35pm to 12:55pm
Audience Q & A, Expert Panel Discussion

Collegiate Athlete Session Faculty

12:55pm to 2:00pm

Joint Preservation following ACL Injuries

Moderator: Cale Jacobs, PhD

2:00pm to 2:20pm
ACL Injuries as the Pre-arthritic Condition

Christian Lattermann, MD

2:20pm to 2:40pm
Advancements in Surgical Approach

Ian Hutchinson, MD

2:40pm to 3:00pm
Imaging Guidelines and Pearls

Kirstin Small, MD

3:00pm to 3:20pm
Return to Play

Michelle Bruneau, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT

3:20pm to 3:40pm
Prevention: FIFA-11+ and More

Daniel Herman, MD, PhD

3:40pm to 4:00pm
Audience Q & A, Expert Panel Discussion

Joint Preservation Session Faculty

4:00pm to 4:15pm

Sports and Society

Moderator: Ariana Vora, MD

4:15pm to 4:35pm
Para Sports

Cheri Blauwet, MD

4:35pm to 4:55pm
Sports Nutrition and REDs

Olivia Morgan, RD

4:55pm to 5:15pm
PEDs in Sports

Monique Burton, MD

5:15pm to 5:35pm
Audience Q & A, Expert Panel Discussion

Sports and Society Session Faculty

5:35pm to 5:45pm
Course Wrap-Up

Course Directors